Bed Bug Nightmare
Sandy is holding a great resource: "The Bed Bug Combat Manual", by Paul J. Bello
Good night, sleep tight, don’t let the bed bugs bite. What is considered a playful nursery rhyme to most of us has become a nightmare for many others.
In less than a year of Ladybug Pest Management’s startup we have investigated at least four large infestations of bed bugs in single family homes in Sussex County, Delaware and Wicomico County, Maryland. All four homeowners were on fixed incomes and/or unemployed through no fault of their own and could not afford the cost for bed bug treatment.
Luckily we were successful in helping one elderly lady resolve her bed bug infestation through an outside source of funding. Unfortunately, no other funding was available for the other homeowners.
Ladybug Pest Mgmt. and our Canine Scent Bed bug beagle, “Daisey” have been very busy with bed bug calls. Daisey, is able to sniff out hard to find bed bugs before one or two bugs become a larger infestation. We have received and serviced many other residential and commercial bed bug cases. However, this article is intended to shed light on what we believe is becoming a growing and out of control situation for many of our seniors and families living on fixed and/or lower incomes. We also want to share some low cost prevention/treatment measures and information for those who cannot afford traditional bed bug treatment services.
The four bed bug cases cited above were the result of initially one or two bed bugs brought in by relatives and/or friends coming to live and/or visit with the homeowners. Within a year, in all cases, the introduction of one or two bed bugs had grown into 100’s if not 1000’s of bed bugs resulting in large scale infestations. An introduction of bed bugs is defined as one or two adult bed bugs brought in by way of someone’s luggage, used furniture, bags and/or on the person’s clothing. An infestation is defined as the presence of all stages of the life cycle of bed bugs (i.e., eggs, nymphs and adult bed bugs).
If it has been determined that bed bugs are present in your home, or the home of someone you know, and are not in a position to afford the services of a Professional Pest Management Company, there are steps you can take to, at the very least, control, and at best, to eradicate them. You will need to be vigilant, patient and thorough.
The following are Non-Chemical procedures and tools to help prevent, monitor, detect, control, and eradicate them.
Clutter Removal: We all love our “stuff”. But too much “stuff” provides harborage places for bed bugs. Clothes need to be bagged and washed/dried and then sealed in containers or clean bags until bed bugs have been eradicated. Items underneath the bed need to be cleared out. Preparation sheets are available online for specifics before you begin treatment. You may also contact Ladybug and we will be happy to send you a preparation checklist.
Bed Bug Detection: It is important to detect a bed bug infestation before it becomes a much larger problem and difficult to control. ClimbUp Interceptors can be purchased for approx. $20.00. These saucer shaped devices are placed under bed frame legs/wheels and can assess bugs coming from either the bed or the outside perimeter of the room.
Vacuuming: Vacuuming does not control bed bugs, however, with large infestations, not only are there live bed bugs, but also bed bug debris (dead bed bugs, molted exoskeletons/casings and hatched egg shells. Vacuuming makes it much easier to determine what is alive from what is dead. Always make sure vacuum bags are double bagged and disposed of outside.
Steam: Bed bugs and their eggs die from extreme temperatures (114 – 115 degrees F). Placing clothes in a hot dryer will kill bed bugs and their eggs. A steamer can also be used to kill both adult bed bugs and their eggs. The steamer head needs to be large enough so as not to blow bed bugs and the eggs across the room. It is a slow process. Moving steamer wand approximately 12 inches in 30 second increments.
Diatomaceous Earth: Diatomaceous Earth (“DE” - Food Grade) poses no harm to the environment, pets or people. “DE” is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled plants that are called diatoms. The particles attach themselves to the bed bugs body and physically "scratch them to death!" Because DE kills them mechanically, they cannot become immune to it like they do with so many of the chemicals today. Because it's a mineral, once you put it down it stays there and keeps working. You may sweep it up once in a while as you get rid of the dead Bed Bugs, but Diatomaceous Earth effectiveness for Bed Bugs has no expiration date. You can use a powder puffer to spread it around. Make sure you purchase “Food Grade”. As other forms of DE can be very harmful.
Mattress Encasements: Many hotels have encased all of their mattresses and box springs with “Bed Bug Proof” encasements. If you have an issue with bed bugs, it would be prudent to encase your mattress and box spring. Make sure they are certified “bed bug proof” before purchasing. Any bed bugs that may be in the mattress or box spring will not be able to penetrate the encasement and will die. Also, once the mattress and box spring are encased, bed bugs will be easier to visually detect. If you can afford only one encasement at a time, place that encasement on the box spring.
Ladybug Pest Management of Delmar, DE is offering free educational workshops to local community establishments (nursing homes, apartment communities, hotel housekeeping & staff, college resident life (dormitories), staffing and students, etc…)
It is our belief that all stakeholders (consumers, tenants, guests, landlords, property managers, owners, students, etc.) need to be as educated and well informed as possible about the growing problem with bed bugs, prevention, detection, control and elimination.
Sandy “Ladybug” Honess (6/23/11)
Owner – Ladybug Pest Management, Inc.
Ladybug recommends the following websites for information and photographs on bed bugs or call us and we will mail a brochure to you: &
Another great resource is: The Bed Bug Combat Manual, by Paul J. Bello.
Reference: Non-Chemical Bed bug Management, by Dini M. Miller, Ph.D, Dept. of Entomology, VA Tech.
Bed bug bites Sussex County Delaware
Great Post!!
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